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聊一聊:Google开发Glass Explorer项目营销谷歌眼镜

发布时间:2021-10-27 19:37:18 阅读: 来源:棉胎厂家

元器件交易网讯 8月1日消息,据外媒electronista报道,谷歌眼镜开始对更多的用户开放,它通过已使用谷歌眼镜的用户来宣传开发潜在用户。目前谷歌眼镜用户都会收到邮件,邀请其朋友或同事参与到Glass Explorer项目中来,参与者可以得到一副谷歌耳机。

美国科技博客Marketing Land发现,邮件发出后,只有一小部分人收到。被推荐的人必须是18岁以上的美国居民,工作单位分布在旧金山、纽约或洛杉矶。然而,活动没有提到这款新眼镜的产品的价格,不过一般认为新用户不得不付1500美元购买此产品。

目前尚不清楚有多少谷歌眼镜已被使用,通过原始记录来看生成器,大约有1万个。然而谷歌已经采取行动确保此产品的供应量,估计在2013年年底,希望拥有更多的消费者已经变得不太可能,这种情况可能会延续到2014年。(元器件交易网董蕾 译)


Google is opening up its wearable mobile device to more participants, by allowing existing owners to invite other potential users. E-mails received by a number of current Google Glass users provide a form that will send an invitation for the Glass Explorer Program to a friend or colleague, who will be able to get hold of their own Google headset.

Marketing Land spotted the e-mails being sent, which are being received by “a small subset” of Glass Explorers. The requirements for the referral recipient is similar to that of current Glass owners, namely US residents aged 18 or older that can pick up their units in San Francisco, New York, or Los Angeles. While there is no mention about a price for the new Glass units, it"s believed that the new users will have to pay the $1,500 fee before walking away with the product.

It is currently unknown exactly how many Google Glass units are being used, but it is believed to be around 10,000, via the initial registration小花猫酸菜鱼, the Glass contest, and Google employees themselves. While Google has taken steps to secure component supplies for the device, its wider consumer release estimate for late 2013 is starting to become unlikely, and could end up spilling over into 2014.

Read more: http://www.electronista.com/articles/13/07/31/referral.scheme.e.mails.sent.to.small.subset.of.glass.owners/#ixzz2agJwoe00

(殷雨婷 )